William Morris Sixth Form is based in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, we provide a high-quality education for 16-19 year olds within an inner London context.
We are a comprehensive sixth form where students are treated as young adults. Our learning environment is one where there is mutual respect, a focus on achievement, high aspirations and a careful balance between being friendly and being firm. We want students to develop a love of learning, which will help them achieve their full potential so that upon leaving WMSF each student feels empowered to make a positive contribution to society in the future.
We celebrate the fact that we are a diverse, mixed and cohesive sixth form, reflective of our communities. We are a proudly secular institution which, recognises all religions – but favours none. We want to be a model of staff and students’ cooperation – working together, united by a strong common purpose to achieve the best outcomes for our learners and provide them with the best sixth form experience possible.