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William Morris Days

William Morris Days happen once a term and are activity days on which students get to celebrate one aspect of our ethos at WMSF. This autumn our theme for William Morris Day was TEAM BUILDING. On October the 8th all students at the sixth form chose an activity to take part in with their tutor group – the choice was made through democratic means, with each tutor group voting for their first choice activity; where there was a split democratic debate took place, to convince members of the voting tutor group to vote for the spoken about activity.  Activities offered were fun and fostered a sense of community, and camaraderie to get students involved in physical activities after the long lockdown and covid period, and work together in small or larger groups.

Activities on offer for the autumn William Morris day were: Paintballing, Laser Tag, Go Ape – Tree Top Challenge, a Thorpe Park visit and London Zoo.