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16 – 19 Tuition Fund

This Statement outlines how William Morris Sixth Form will use the 16-19 Tuition Fund following ESFA Guidance. This Guidance can be found here.

Funding is available for small-group tuition for students who have achieved a 4 or below in English and/or Maths GCSE. Tuition does not have to focus solely on these two subjects and support is available across a number of subjects and across the institution as a whole. Funding is also available for students who have achieved a 4 or above and are from an economically disadvantaged background and would need catch-up support. These are defined as students from the 27% most economically deprived areas of the country based on the index of multiple deprivation.

Who will benefit from additional support?

Students who have not achieved a grade 4 in Maths and/or English will be prioritised for support. Support may also be available for students who have achieved a 4 or above in these subjects. Students will then be prioritised for support in the following order:

  1. Students on our PPD/FSM register who would benefit from additional support and have experienced additional disruption to learning;
  2. Students with an EHCP or on the K/SEN register who have experienced additional disruption to learning because of their specific needs and disabilities;
  3. Students who are classified as ‘vulnerable’, including students on Child Protection and Child in Need plans, LAC students and students living independently;
  4. Students on courses that experienced additional disruption, for example practical subjects;
  5. Any other students who would benefit from additional support.

What will additional support look like?

Support arrangements will be provided through the following means. All group sessions will have a maximum of 5 students, with 7 students permitted in exceptional circumstances as defined by ESFA guidance.

  1. Small-group English and Maths sessions
  2. Small-group support in other subject areas (this can be academic as well as practical in focus and can focus on both knowledge and skills)
  3. 1-1 and small group mentoring support to help students with academic skills and qualities
  4. Additional learning support, especially for K/SEN students

All support will be tailored to meet the needs ot the individual students identified and will be delivered using both internal WMSF staff and external sources, for example Tutors Green and local mentoring services.

Who is responsible for delivery?

Co-ordination of the Tuition Fund resources is the responsibility of the Assistant Principal (Inclusion and Support). He works closely with the following to ensure funds are allocated responsibly and usefully:

  1. The Finance Manager to ensure all funding is allocated appropriately;
  2. The Data Manager to ensure all eligible students are identified at an early stage;
  3. Curriculum Area Leads to ensure support is being delivered in a targeted and robust manner;
  4. The SEND/CO and Senior Tutors to ensure additional support is being targeted to the correct students;
  5. The Vice Principal (Assessment) to ensure that the impact of the support is measured effectively
  6. The Principal to ensure that the support aligns with the overall strategic vision of the Sixth Form

This statement will be revised throughout the academic year to ensure our students receive the most appropriate support available to them.