Academic Workshops
Mid-day periods look a little different at WMSF, there are 10 sessions across the week, in the middle of the day which are allocated for lunch, tutorial, enrichment activities and academic workshops. All curriculum areas in the sixth form run a variety of Academic Workshops which are subject specific.
Academic Workshops at the sixth form work in two different ways;
- Teachers can target students who they feel need specific help – and these students can be seen on a one to one or small group basis. For them attendance to that Academic Workshop is compulsory. They may be asked to attend one session or a series of sessions depending on the help needed.
- Students can nominate themselves for Academic Workshops, this may be to use the specialist equipment/programmes, such as the Adobe Suite, available in the teaching rooms to complete course work in practical subjects such as Art and Media. Or if they feel a topic is being covered in the Academic Workshop which they need to know more about, or where a small group session would extend their learning.